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tv   Hardball With Chris Matthews  MSNBC  September 9, 2016 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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logic to it. >> a chance to apologize to margaret. head to bloomberg right now. until monday, sayonara. >> "hardball with chris matthews" is next. why does trump stay mum? let's play "hardball." good evening. i'm chris matthews back in washington. five years ago, donald trump marched into national politics trumpeting the charge that the president of the united states might well be a usurper, that barack obama wasn't who he said he was, a natural-born american. trump has never given up his insistence on this critical point, demanding the president produce his birth certificate, raising in all manner of ways his public doubts that the man in the white house is truly one of us. well, now we are being told by his surrogates that trump has
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surrendered this argument, that he now believes the president was born in the united states. here is former new york mayor rudy giuliani last night on "hardball." >> i confirm that and donald trump now confirms that. >> when did he do that? when did he do that? when did he do that? >> tto years ago. three years ago. >> he has now accepted that birtherism was nonsense? when did he do that? >> chris, hillary clinton -- >> he did not do that yet. i'm waiting for him to do it. i want to know whether you believe your candidate for president believes he would succeed a legitimate president or not. does he believe he would succeed a legitimate president? >> donald trump believes now that he was born in the united states. but that issue -- >> when is he going to say it? >> that issue was raised originally -- >> when is he going to say this president is legitimate? this is a fundamental question, mr. mayor. is the president of the united states legitimate or not? do you believe it? if you believe it, why doesn't
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your candidate state it? >> he believes it, i believe it, we all believe it. >> this morning kellyanne conway says her candidate now believes president obama was born here. >> the birther comment that we were just talking about, rudy giuliani goes on and says donald trump now will say that he believes that president obama was born in hawaii. he doesn't say it himself. why not? >> you have to ask him. >> why won't he come out and own that position, that yes, president obama was born here, i was wrong to go with the birthers? >> so he believes president obama was born here. i was born in camden, by the way, new jersey. he was born in hawaii. but the point is, what kind of president has he been. >> well, she couldn't answer that one. i understand why, because trump hasn't. starting in 2011, trump led the birther charge. let's watch trump's long history of questioning barack obama's legitimacy to be an american president.
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>> why doesn't he show his birth certificate and you know what i wish he would, because i think it's a terrible pale that's hanging over him. >> nobody ever comes forward. nobody knows who he is until later in his life. it's very strange. >> he may have one but there's something on that birth certificate, maybe religion, maybe it says he's a muslim. i don't know. >> i have people that actually have been studying it and they cannot believe what they're finding. >> you have people now down there searching in hawaii? >> absolutely. and they cannot believe what they're finding. >> i still would like to see his college records. i would like to see a couple things. trump comes along and said birth certificate. he gave a birth certificate. whether or not that was a real certificate because a lot of people question it, i certainly question it. >> a few years ago, you led the birther movement. it turned out not to be true. >> according to you it's not true. i don't know. >> he released his birth certificate. >> if you believe that, that's fine. i don't care. it's an old subject. whether or not he did that, who knows. a lot of people don't agree with you on that, by the way.
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>> despite giuliani's claim that donald trump has turned his back on birtherism two or three years ago, the republican nominee has never publicly repudiated his past comments. i asked trump about it back in december and he refused to answer. here goes. is donald trump honest when he says that barack obama isn't a legitimate president? >> so -- >> it's a good question. >> i didn't say you couldn't. >> you can't stop me. >> i should -- no, i can't. i should not tell you this but i do watch you a lot. i knew you were going to ask that question. i don't talk about that anymore. i don't answer because you know what, if i do answer that's all people want to talk about. >> we catholics believe in confession. you say you're wrong and move on. you really believe this guy's not a legitimate president? >> this week trump told nbc news when asked about the president's birthplace, again, i don't talk about it. he refused again on tuesday to change his tune when asked about bill o'reilly. let's watch. >> so you think your birther
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position has hurt you among african-americans? >> i don't know. i have no idea. i don't even talk about it anymore. >> i know but it's there. it's on the record. >> i don't know. i guess with maybe some. i don't know why. i really don't know. but i don't think, you are the first one that's brought that up in awhile. i don't think so. >> so what evidence is there trump truly has given up on the birther conspiracy theory? i'm joined by nbc's katy tur outside trump tower in manhattan, msnbc's joy reid and congressman, can you speak as rudy giuliani did last night, saying trump no longer believes in this nonsense that this president snuck in the country, that he's an illegitimate leader? >> i hate to repeat a lot of what you already had, but the reality is this was started by hillary clinton. >> first of all, we are not
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going any further -- give me the evidence. >> in 2008 -- >> where did she say this? >> i actually have seen the memo which is an interparty memo. >> where is it? >> i will absolutely get it to you. >> what is the memo? >> it said we need to question his -- >> who is this from? >> it's something from the clinton campaign. >> from the clinton campaign itself. and you have seen this. >> i have seen a copy of it. but let me -- >> no, no. you can't say hillary clinton is the mother of the birther movement without some evidence. you knew you were coming on this show. why didn't you bring it with you? >> i may even have it in my briefcase. i don't know. >> come on, this is a live show. we have an hour. find it. i'm dead serious. if you can find it in your briefcase, something from the clinton campaign, not some blogger out there, but somebody who actually worked for hillary clinton under her direction who said the president wasn't born in this country, that would be news. if you can produce it. >> if i can see that, maybe the heading like the "c" has been removed from it as hillary has
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said. >> what? what is this? what are we talking about? let's talk about fact and evidence. >> it was an allusion to classified material. >> give me vidence. let me get back to your candidate. is your candidate, donald trump, you are a senior adviser to him, does he believe the president of the united states is a legitimately elected leader of our country, yes or no? >> i'm going to quote rudy giuliani last night with an answer of yes. and that he is legitimate. >> how do you know he believes that? how do you know trump believes that? >> because he's not -- he's not focusing on this. he's focusing on jobs, focusing on education and safety. he's moved on. you know, it might be a hot topic in martha's vineyard where hillary clinton has been but on the streets of baton rouge -- >> that was a nice try. that was a nice try. i know why you're here. you got to defend rudy. you have taken the oath. joy, i was in philly yesterday with a nice audience of people trying to build the city's image up. it's something i really believe in. it was a mixed audience
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racially, ethnically, if you will. there are a lot of people that care about this issue. when you say the president of the united states is a fraud, the first africa ncn-american president is a fraud, he somehow snuck in this country from kenya or somewhere else and assumed an identity and somehow got himself elected under false pretenses, that's a hell of a slam job because i think i know why people do it so when they look at the faces of the presidents 20, 30 years from now, they won't really see obama there. he will have an asterisk next to his name because he snuck in. that's what rudy has been pushing. your thoughts? >> absolutely. i think your guest there as well as rudy giuliani, first of all, giuliani put out two completely false statements, one of which you disproved with the montage claiming donald trump renounced birtherism three years ago. you showed him talking in december. and what jack kingston just said inventing a memo in which the clinton campaign created the birther movement. the politifact article where
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they created this new con sfespy theory, you can look this up, it's easy, they debunk that particular theory as simply not true. when you talk about the belief in the birther movement and what it's done for donald trump, it's quite clear there is a substantial percentage of both republicans and specifically trump supporters who believe that barack obama is a fraud, that he was born in kenya, that he has this as newt gingrich called it this anti-colonial mindset, he's an anti-american mindset that comes from some sort of leaning that he took over from his father. a movie was made about it. it is an article of faith among enough republican-based voters and enough trump supporters that i think donald trump doesn't want to walk away from it. it's the reason he's popular with them. it rocketed him to the top of the pile amongst 17 republican candidates for president and it has created and built his cult of personality because not only does he say it, not only does he allude to it but he tried to
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humiliate the president much the united states, the first black president, which is something that deep down, a lot of far right republicans wanted viscerally. not just to see the president made illegitimate but to see him humiliated. we had george romney, who was born in mexico. no one ever asked him to prove he was an american. we had john mccain, war hero, also mr. trump has never, donald trump has never apologized for putting down his service, born in the canal zone. nobody has ever asked him to prove his americanism. this is an attempt to humiliate the first black president of the united states. >> joy, let me say this. i have been involved in this campaign and i have never heard this as an issue. jobs, the economy, safety, national security, that's why donald trump has the following that he does. i have to just say respectfully, to broad brush millions of americans as being racist because something you have -- >> did i say that? >> -- interpreted as racist. i think you have. i think you have implied that.
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the reality is people are not supporting donald trump for the reasons that you mentioned. they like what he is saying about the economy, of creating jobs. they know their household income -- >> how did donald trump become a popular figure in the republican party? >> because he's talking about jobs. >> because people believe in the birther theory. you can't discount this. there is plenty of data in social science to back this up. >> there were a lot of letters going around. i never signed that. most of us never participated in that kind of discussion. >> that's you. that's you. >> what attracts me to donald trump, i think millions and millions of americans, is his position on jobs and the economy. >> we will talk about jobs some other night. let me ask you about this. because you are a loyal member of the house as a republican and you had a leader there, speaker john boehner, asked a very direct question. when are you going to disabuse the american people of this nonsense about the president being illegitimate. he said i'm not here to tell my caucus members how to think. was that an abdication of leadership? are you abdicating leadership? you think it's right personally
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right for trump to accuse this president of being illegitimate? is that morally right to do that to a president when you know it's not true? >> he is not doing that. >> he is accusing -- >> it was a discussion but he's moved on. it's really not about -- >> i want to go to katy tur. you are the great reporter covering this guy. why is he hiding? why is he staying mum? because in this case, silence is not consent to this president's legitimacy. he has raised the issue. he is mr. birther. now he's gotten to be mr. quiet. >> reporter: let me address what mr. kingston was saying it was not an issue of this campaign. donald trump may not be making it an issue on the campaign trail on the stump, but i have to tell you, his supporters believe it's an issue. when you ask them about president obama, not just a handful, not just a few, many of them say that they believe he was born in kenya. hold on. i'm telling you i'm there every day on the campaign trail. i talk to supporters every day.
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>> that doesn't show up on every poll. >> please don't interrupt me, sir. please don't interrupt me. let me tell you what donald trump supporters tell me on the campaign trail. >> let her report here. let her report here. >> reporter: let me tell you what donald trump supporters tell me on the campaign trail often. they often say they believe he was born in kenya, they often say they believe he's a muslim. some of them go on to say he's an undercover operative, a manchuran candidate. that being said, donald trump has not backed away from this. let me finish this, mr. kingston. donald trump has not backed away from this because he's never backed away from any statement on this campaign trail so far. the only thing we have heard him back away from was to say he regrets some of the things he said during this campaign season, but he never specifically said what he regretted. we asked him repeatedly as chris just showed, i asked him last year, where he stands on the birther movement right now. he was asked as late as last week on his own press plane by the press pool. he said he doesn't want to get
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into it because he believes it's going to become an eeissue. the reality is it's become an issue regardless of it. i spoke to a senior aide who said he was asked about it again, he would come out and say he does not believe obama was born overseas, that he believes he was born in hawaii. the issue is whenever anybody asked him this he refused to back down from it. i understand you may say, mr. kingston, the polling doesn't agree with me but i will tell you as somebody who has been doing this now for 14 straight months, i think we are going on 15 months now, that is the same conversation i have had with supporter after supporter in city after city in this country. doesn't matter if we are in the south, in the west, inthe east, the north. every city i have been to, there have been people who have said exactly those words. >> you want me to believe people come up to you unsolicited, unprodded, and say the reason why -- >> reporter: yes. >> katy, come on. >> reporter: you don't have to believe me. i'm telling you the facts of what happen in the field.
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>> omar mateen's dad, did he come rushing up to you also and say i'm for hillary because i'm pro-taliban? >> reporter: i wasn't in orlando when he was there. i'm sorry, sir, he did not. >> i want an answer from you. you are a surrogate for trump. be a surrogate. do you believe the president is legitimate? >> yes. >> do you think somebody running for president should admit that? anybody? forget the name trump. anybody. should they begin the campaign by accepting the legitimacy of our political process and that we do have a legitimate president? unless they have hard evidence to the contrary. trump has never said he has hard evidence. he never claims he needs any. he just says well, i have suspicions. did you watch those tapes we just showed here? where he said he had people working on this down in hawaii? he didn't have anybody working on this. >> it is such a big issue. why wasn't it asked the other night? it will be asked no doubt if it's the issue katy and others believe that it is. it will be asked. >> there's no way in hell we are
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going through three hour and a half debates without this coming up again and again until your guy and you convince your guy to put it behind him. >> let me say this. the people who are supporting donald trump have seen their household income drop from $57,000 to $53,000. they have seen jobs go away. >> let me go back to why i think this matters. joy, i want you to pick up here. you were very strong before and i believe every word you say because we are friends and i know what you think. i know what you have been through in life and everybody else knows this story. when you go into the inner city and the african-american community and you talk to people, you don't have to go polling this baby. you talk to people of either party, the minority republicans of the black community, and you talk to them about this president, there's pride in their eyes. the idea of saying he's some kind of thief in the night, he snuck in, his resumes are phony, he really didn't go to these schools, really didn't get these grade, really didn't get blind selection as editor of the harvard law review, none of that ever happened.
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that's what trump does. he does it over and over again. none of this man's accomplishments are true. that's the point. >> absolutely. chris, i can tell you, you can count on one hand the number of prominent african-american republicans who are coming forward and supporting donald trump. when i talk to black republicans who i know, who i have known for a long time, none of the black republicans i know are in support of donald trump and the thing you will hear them say the most is that donald trump showed such utter blatant disrespect for the president of the united states, tried to humiliate him by demanding he show his papers as if we were in apartheid south africa, questioned whether he was right to get into harvard law school, whether he was put on the harvard law review legitimately, saying no one knows him from the past as if he sort of emerged out of the vapor as this manchurian candidate. what donald trump attempted to do in 2011 was de-americanize and dehumanize the fers black president of the united states. trump had a choice at that time. he was nothing more than a
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gadfly. he wasn't a candidate. he made the choice to be a birther. he hasn't walked away from it. i promise you, congressman, while you don't believe in it, it's the main reason why he can't attract significant support among african-americans among his other past racist acts including housing discrimination. it keeps people from listening to anything else he says. >> go ahead. >> the most recent poll shows that he's at 8% of african-americans. >> oh, congressman. congressman. congressman. congressman. >> mitt romney got less than 4%. john mccain got 4%. >> you can look at one head-to-head poll that shows without the other two candidates him at 8%. the monmouth poll taken exactly the same time puts him at 4% with four-way people. i promise you he won't do even that well with african-americans. >> finish this off. i want katy to have one last shot. i have seen polls that are staggering showing the percentage of trump supporters who believe this birther stuff. staggering numbers that believe he's a secret muslim. they do believe it. you don't.
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they do. katy, last word? >> reporter: you know, they chant he's a muslim when donald trump mentions his name at the rallies quite often. they also chant lock her up whenever he mentions hillary clinton's name. the reality is donald trump is not dissuading them from this. when he's been asked directly by people in the crowd at his own town halls, remember this moment last year when a questioner called him a muslim, donald trump did not shoot him down in the way john mccain did. he took a lot of heat for that. this may not be the number one issue for many of his supporters. the economy may certainly be. but a lot of his supporters do put this in their top three, top four issues. they don't like the direction this country is going in and i'm sorry for this siren, and they say the reason for that is that they believe president obama doesn't hold what they call western values. >> thank you so much, katy. you know best. you're there. joy, you were great tonight. thank you so much. jack kingston, you got a tough job tonight. coming up, i know you don't believe any of this.
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i know you don't. coming up, birtherism may be donald trump's original sin but trump's continuing embrace of vladimir putin is simply baffling. especially to his republican supporters. they don't like this guy. for whatever reason, trump went on the u.s. arm of russian tv the other night and praised putin on the russian television. bashed president obama. bashed hillary clinton. and bashed the free american media on a russian-owned tv network. think about that one. if a democrat had done that. that's ahead. plus, here comes the cavalry. elizabeth warren campaigned for hillary clinton today and next week, president obama and first lady michelle hits the trail as well. cowboy references here. they are clinton closers, perhaps. can they get her over the finish line. the roundtable will be here to tell me three things about this wild week in presidential politics that i don't know. my election diary tonight for friday, september 9th. safety doesn't come in a box.
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it's not a banner that goes on a wall. it's not somethin you do now andhen. or when it's convenient. it's not a banner that goes on a wall. it's using state-of-the-art simulators to better prepare foany situation. it's giving offshore teams onshore support. and it's empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesn't seem right. at bp, safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. hillary clinton: i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. vo: in times of crisis america depends on steady leadership. donald trump: "knock the crap out of them, would you? seriously..."vo: clear thinki... donald trump: "i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me." vo: and calm judgment. donald trump: "and you can tell them to go fu_k themselves." vo: because all it takes is one wrong move. donald trump audio only: "i would bomb the sh_out of them." vo: just one.
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late today, mike pence, the running mate of donald trump, released ten years of federal tax returns. good for him. according to a summary provided by the trump campaign the republican nominee for vice president earned $113,000 last year and was paid an effective tax -- he paid of 12.4%. pence's release add to the pressure on donald trump, of course, who has so far refused to release his tax returns, saying he will do so upon completion of a routine audit. i bet it's after the election. we'll be right back. d life's beautiful moments. by choosing flonase, you're choosing more complete allergy relief and all the enjoyment that comes along with it. when we breathe in allergens, our bodies react by overproducing 6 key inammatory subances. most allergy pills only control 1. flonase controls 6. and six is greater than one. with flonase, more complete relief means enjoyment of every beautiful moment. flonase, six is greater than one, changes everything.
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welcome back to "hardba donald trump's appearance on the english language broadcast of state-owned russian television last night was met with some disbelief, i would say. today especially in light of donald trump's very public support of russian president vladimir putin so he goes on his tv network, rt which formerly stood for russia today.
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as "wall street journal" reports the rt network has emerged as an important propaganda tool since it was launched in 2005 by the kremlin which insisted the world's air waves have been biased for pro-western programming so far. moscow has poured millions into its budget and attracted some professionals like larry king. in king's interview, trump went as far as to attack the free press in this country on a state-owned russian tv network, amazing, going after freedom of the press, free press, on a network that doesn't even believe in that. take a look. it's outrageous. >> one quick thing. what surprised you the most about running for office? >> well, i think the dishonesty of the media. the media has been unbelievably dishonest. they will take a statement that you make which is perfect and they will cut it up and chop it up and shorten it or lengthen it or do something with it and all of a sudden, it doesn't look as
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good as it did when you actually said it. >> well, trump also took the opportunity on the air there to defend russia from accusations of meddling in u.s. elections with cyberattacks. here he goes. >> u.s. intelligence and law enforcement agencies reportedly are investigating whether russia launched a covert operation to disrupt the 2016 election. what do you make of that? >> i don't know. i have been hearing about it. i have been reading about it. i think it's probably unlikely. i think maybe the democrats are putting that out, who knows. >> who knows. in an attempt to damage control or control the damage, the trump campaign said it did not think the interview would be used on the network that larry king works for. >> he actually did an interview with larry king, a personal friend of his, a friend of i'm sure everyone around the table, and he said he was doing it for his podcast, didn't know it would be on russian tv.
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>> how does something like that happen that the campaign doesn't know his words will be played on kremlin state tv? larry king was doing the interview for kremlin state tv. >> for his podcast. i wasn't involved in that interview. >> kellyanne, good for you. the problem is a simple google search quickly reveals that king works for the kremlin-funded network rt, russia today. i'm joined by msnbc political analyst david corn, washington bureau chief for mother jones as well as republican strategist, michael steele, former spokesman for speaker boehner. what do you make of this, michael, going on larry king, everybody knows he works for rt. i know it now. i didn't know it a couple years ago. it's not so much going on with larry king who i'm a friend of, i like the guy, he's had a hell of a history in radio and even television. but he doesn't ask tough questions and by the way, he didn't say anything to trump about the american media. trump used a softball question, what have you learned in the campaign, to bash the media. it wasn't king's fault. it was trump. >> i think in vladimir putin's kgb days, donald trump would
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have been known as a useful idiot. i come from the wing of the republican party that considers russia a geopolitical threat, geopolitical foe. if we are in a situation where the fbi says they trying to interfere in our he lelections a kgb agent says they're not, i trust the fbi. >> you took the side of the fire brigade. it wasn't a tough call. >> yeah. trump doesn't. >> why did he do it? >> my overarching view of trump is that he's at core a narcissist. why does he like putin? because what he says. putin says nice things about him. putin is -- >> by the way, explain, a narcissist is someone who believes psychologically that the world revolves around them. >> the most important thing to a narcissist is how the rest of the world engages or interacts with him. >> the center of the universe. >> he judges everyone by whether they say nice things about him. putin, who former kgb agent, this is probably kgb agenting
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101, has figured this out with trump and is going to flatter him and trump just falls for it and so when he says, when you say to trump what about the journalists that have been killed in russia, he goes i don't know, i don't know if it's happened. what about the hacking? i don't know. there won't be any invasion of crimea. he doesn't know. >> this is a -- you know the government like i do. if he's going to lobby the next administration, all you have to do is say nice things about trump and he will do whatever you want. let's watch what secretary clinton had to say earlier this evening when asked about trump's appearance on russian television. >> so can i say i was surprised? not sure anything surprises us anymore but i was certainly disappointed that someone running for president of the united states would continue this unseemly identification with and praise of the russian president, including on russian television. >> i have a feeling, i don't
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want to be too comical about it, it is a ridiculous situation. sometimes i think trump thinks he's judging a contest and the contest is who's the toughest dictator in the world. oh, putin. it's not a question of his danger to us. yeah, he's kickass tough. okay. that's not what we ask. we want to know a foreign leader is like anwar sadat or someby. that's the way we talk about foreign leaders. we don't judge them like we're in some contest. he judges putin as if he -- >> their values, too. >> if it were, it would be comical except we are selecting the commander in chief of the united states military, next leader of the free world. we are down to essentially two candidates and one of them is this guy who we can't trust. >> flip around. you're on the left. suppose somebody on the moderate left had gone on russian television and trashed,
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state-owned television and trashed the united states media. or trashed the united states >> trump and pence would be attracting that. let's not leave pence out of the situation. he's out there saying putin's a strong leader. know who else was a strong leader? it's not how you judge people. >> stalin. >> trump has become putin's poodle or lap dog and the republican party is tied up in knots because not everybody has the integrity of michael steele to call him out. >> the latest polling in this country, know what putin's polling in this country? eight. this comes after trump said putin is a stronger leader than president obama. >> he's judging this contest. senator lindsey graham slammed trump for that yesterday, saying i think this is the biggest miscalculation since people thought hitler was a good guy. good for lindsey. other republicans were careful to denounce putin without criticizing trump directly. take a listen. >> let me say this about vladimir putin. vladimir putin is an aggressor that does not share our
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interests. >> are you concerned, though, of donald trump praising vladimir putin, someone who you have said -- >> i made my points about putin clear right there. i will leave it at that. >> one has to be careful to let flattery influence how you feel about someone. >> i have tremendous disagreements with president obama on policy. huge differences. vladimir putin is not a president. he's a dictator. once people learn the true nature of putin, my hope is that he will change his opinion and his views in regards to it. >> let's talk turkey. you said a moment ago, few months ago, you represent or are part of the party that believes russia is a foe. not that it's an old cold war but it's a new kind of challenge. i don't think it's the same as the cold war. there is a sense geopolitically this guy wants land, wants to rebuild some of the empire and that will be a propblem for us and nato. >> exert influence on the former soviet states, particularly in the baltics where we have a huge difference in maintaining democracy, maintaining them as part of europe. what speaker ryan is saying is
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exactly right. we have an obligation to speak out against these ridiculous comments, to speak out against this dictator in putin, at the same time donald trump is the nominee of the party. a lot of people are having a lot of trouble balancing those competing -- >> this is not about putin. this is about trump. we agree, though we may have policy disagreements, we agree putin is an authoritarian thug, and to call him a strong leader and compare him favorably to the president of thend is wrong. if yan, speaker ryan, can't call out his nominee, if lindsey graham can't back away from his previous endorsement of trump, all these criticisms don't matter. >> you think lindsey graham is really endorsing trump? >> he has. >> i don't think he loves the guy. >> where is john mccain on this stuff? >> this weird kind of bromance going with this guy with his shirt off rieding a horse. there's something strange in the neighborhood. thank you both. he will probably respond to that. up next, hillary clinton's biggest supporters are hitting
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the campaign trail. elizabeth warren is out there today in philadelphia, pennsylvania. she's at penn among the elite. next week, the president and first lady take their turn. clipten's got her a-listers out there. does donald trump have anyone like that for his cavalry? real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazg is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there's only one place wre real and amazing live. book a seaworld vacation package and eat free.
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philadelphia to say i'm with hillary and i'm with katie. yes. we believe that racism, injustice and bigotry have no place in our country. we believe that black lives matter. we will never build donald trump's stupid wall. and we will fight for it. okay. i could do this all day. and i may. >> welcome back to "hardball." that was of course massachusetts senator elizabeth warren, a hero to progressives out there campaigning on behalf of hillary clinton today at the university of pennsylvania in philadelphia. the cavalry is arriving for hillary clinton in crucial battleground states. vice president joe biden has already stumped for clinton in pennsylvania, scranton and pittsburgh as well as in cleveland. you get the cut of what he's up to. blue collar workers, people that might go for trump. clinton's former democratic rival, vermont senator bernie sanders rallied voters in new hampshire today, actually on monday this week. next week, president obama comes
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back to the city of philadelphia where he will also be stumping for his formee secretary of state and first lady michelle obama, not usually that political, also hit the trail for clinton in the vote-rich northern virginia suburbs where a lot of single women voters. let's bring in the "hardball" roundtable. april ryan, mccade coppins and margaret carlson, my oldest friend. i want to start right across the table. when you see that cavalry, they are not all the same. they all over different things that can help secretary clinton get to 50%. >> hillary clinton needs magic. she is not magic, unfortunately, by herself. with this race being this tight, she needs to have president obama next week stand by her side to bring that magic as we said before, he's now, his poll numbers are in the 50 percentile range. joe biden appeals to the average person who donald trump is
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pulling, people who are working class, who don't have college degrees, who run educaare unedu. >> don't say uneducated. >> that's why i changed it. that is one of the factors here. women versus men, educated versus uneducated. those type of categories are playing into this. then you have michelle obama who is going to virginia. she was the one -- >> how many people do you know that didn't go to college who are smarter than people that did? >> a lot. a lot of people. >> thank you. i know that, too. go ahead. >> i'm struck by the contrast with the republican party. you have not seen the high-powered big stars of the republican party rally around trump the way the democrats are for hillary. now, that's not to say it won't happen. i do think -- >> who are the stars that are missing? >> let's talk about marco rubio, for example, who is a star for a certain -- he stuck in there for a long time. there's about 20% of the party that adores him. he's not out there.
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he didn't even show up at the rnc. paul ryan is doing his best but every time he's asked about trump, it's the latest gaffe or outrage trump has done and paul ryan is always backing off or equivocating. he's not out there campaigning for trump. i think if the race stays close in the final weeks you will see some of the republicans out there rallying around him. if it doesn't look like he has a real shot at winning, i don't know what's happening. >> let me cue you where i want you to go. michelle obama is not a politician but she is a tr prestigious leader of the country, i don't know what group she don't work with except the hard right. >> she can go everywhere. >> why northern virginia? explain that. >> northern virginia is actually michelll obama country and obama country. it's washington suburbs, it's -- >> single women. >> very much single working women. it's a great place for her to go. joe biden is magic in my hometown, central pennsylvania on up. nobody better than him.
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i think donald trump -- harrisburg, pennsylvania, too. the only state capital to go bankrupt. that donald trump is like a child who says i don't have the establishment and i don't care. but he may have a point. he's now made his brand not being the establishment. so he doesn't want the usual people that would be out at a time like this for a republican. he don't want george bush or mitt romney. he's having aeroflot bring over putin. can i just say one more thing, when you have the 82% for vladimir putin, what donald trump doesn't acknowledge is that the 18% who aren't for him are in prison. >> i want to bring up one point that came up with jack kingston. i'm glad to have him on the show but he was saying the polls don't show that the people behind trump believe in all this birther crap. we just got the number. 59% of people who like trump believe him on this. agree with him that this president wasn't born inthis country, that he's some sort of
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usurper who somehow snuck here from kenya, whatever that means to them, they want to believe it. >> those numbers prove that's why he's attracting the david dukes and klanners and the hate and the spewing of hate. he started it years ago. >> 2011. >> he should have stopped it then. it's gone too far for too long. >> we pushed it hard here. i have had people like boehner try to respond and they come back with -- i make a different point. their accountability on this has never been good. boehner would say when you asked why don't you tell your people in your caucus this president of the united states, is an american-born guy who is president of the united states legally and constitutionally. he said i don't tell people how to think. come on. >> you know what, when ted cruz ran for president, that wasn't right. it was hypocritical. >> ted cruz. a name that hasn't been spoken for months. thank you. roundtable is sticking with us. you're watching "hardball."
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welcome back to "hardball." i'm back with the roundtable. margaret, this week begins with trump with a little bit of movement toward better off. how did the week get started? >> clinton lost her convention bounce according to the cnn poll. >> over the last weekend? >> that poll came out at the beginning of this week showing him two points nationally ahead. that was a surprise. >> what's he done with that? >> as usual, he sort of squandered it in some intemperate remarks. he did two things at the forum, doubling down on vladimir putin, then using his classified intelligence briefing -- >> body language. >> which no one, no one has ever
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-pviolated the trust of that sie it began with truman. he cannot be trusted even as a candidate to keep the one delicate matters -- >> great question. how are they going to do it again? how can they brief him again knowing they will be outed basically by the guy they're briefing? >> that's a great question. you already saw them pushing back against the idea that body language, first of all, these guys are trained not to display anything with their body language. but the maturity of the prospective commander in chief is always supposed to be displayed in how they handle those briefings and up until now, every candidate both parties shows that maturity. they show that look, we are not going to politicize that one part of it. trump didn't do it. it was bizarre. >> he accuses spies of giving away their feeling. spies are historically able to keep their feelings to themselves. here he is saying i know exactly what they were thinking.
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>> bottom line, donald trump, what we saw that night was someone who is not presidential, someone who had no grasp of foreign policy. this was his time to shine as his numbers were going up. his numbers if anything fell or stayed stagnant and now you have people like omarosa on the road going to swing states trying to get married women who are his core supporters, 54%, to stay with him and build on that. >> the roundtable will stick with us. up next, they tell me something i don't know. you both have a perfect driving record. perfect. no tickets, no accidents... that is until one of you clips a food truck ruining your perfect record. yeah. now you would think your insurance company would cut you some slack, right? no, your insurance rates go through the roof. your perfect record doesn't get you anything. anything. perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident.
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well tnk you. get your free credit scorecard at even if you're not a customer. this weekend marks the 15th anniversary of the september 11th attacks in this country. today we learned that hillary clinton will attend the 9/11 memorial service up in new york on sunday. well, today clinton convened a meeting of top national security advisers, leaders in new york, to develop strategies for fighting terrorism. the meeting included experts from both sides of the aisle. we'll be right back. ngine revs) the things it does to your parade. we've got a saying about rain, too: when it rains... it roars. wethe all-wheel-drive lineup from dodge.o: domestic. not domesticated.
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we're back with the "hardball" round table. start with april. tell me something i don't know. >> we talk about magic. michelle obama has that magic. >> when were you talking about magic? >> i was talking about it a couple segments ago. [ laughter ] michelle obama is going to northern virginia this week, and i asked sources close to the campaign, in the campaign, if she will be chatting with
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hillary clinton. they said not right now. one of the reasons why, because alone, michelle obama can attract millenials and women not standing with -- >> and she's taller. >> maybe so. >> i'm going to flag a great piece of journalism by my colleagues at buzzfeed who revealed the baltimore police department several times over the course of the past several years have declared that rape allegations were unfounded without investigating them. the baltimore police department responded to that today and said they're going to go over the past three years and research it. >> extraordinary. >> as we remember 9/11, it is not immune from donald trump's tall tales. remember the thousands and thousands of muslims that cheered. he said at the time that he could see it from his window, a little like sarah palin. and that he had thousands of friends, or hundreds of friends, excuse me, not thousands of them, that were never named, and he never went to one funeral. and he promised a big donation.
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it took him 15 years to make that donation after he became a candidate. >> more sad tales. have a nice weekend, all of you, thank you. when we return, let me finish with my election year diary for today. you're watching "hardball," the place for politics. donald trumpk the crap out of them, woulyou? seriously..."vo: clear thinking... donald trump: "i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me." vo: and calm judgment. donald trump: "and you can tell them to go fu_k themselves." vo: because all it takes is one ong mo. donald trump audio only: "i would bomb the sh_t out of is ia professor who never stops being a student? is it a caregiver termined to take care of her own?
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election diary, friday, september 9. this is the week when the fight
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went to close engagement. hillary walked into a forum well prepared. trump strolled in, his confident casual self. she came in like she'd been through a law school murder board. trump acted like he was about to face fox & friends. trump must know that he's going to be bird dogged on the question of president obama's legitimacy. people have a right to know whether he canacsepts the curre president of american. his accusation that barack obama snuck into this country still sits out there. only he can withdraw it. the fact that mike pence acsepts that ben carson does, doesn't free the candidate from saying
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what his vokes are saying. so the week ends with pressure on trump to get this behind him. he may be able to do it by making a simple declaration. but to do so, he'll have to say those words himself. and that's "hardball" for now. thanks for being with us. "all in with chris hayes" starts right now. tonight on "all in" -- >> in that system, he's been a leader, far more than our president. >> from bad to worse. donald trump's appearance on russian tv sets off a political fire storm. >> can i say i was surprised? >> tonight why trump's proclivity for putin puts republicans in a serious bind. then a dark turn for the clinton conspiracies. >> there's special needs there, mental impairment. >> why "the washington post" is taking the bernie sanders position on hillary's e-mail.